
ȳϽʴϱ? ȸ Դϴ.
ȸ 10Ⱓ Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes (JRMP) ̸ ü ϰ ־ϴ.
׷ Ⱓ ȸ ࿡ ԰ ̻, е ־ϴ.
̿ ȸ ԰ Ͽ ȸ (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, NMMI) JRMP ǰ ־ϴ.
յǸ NMMI ǥ ' ȸ ȸ ѹ缺Ǿǰȸ (Official Journal of the Korean Society of Nuclaer Medicine and Korean Society of Radiopharmaceuticlas and Molecular Probes)'̶ ǥϰ ˴ϴ.

ѹ缺Ǿǰȸ ȸ ȸв 帮 ߽ϴٸ, ȸе ǰ ̹ Ȩ ũ Ͽ ǥ ϰ մϴ. Ź帳ϴ.

ǥ : 11 30
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